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Science policy

The EIROforum partner organisations constitute an essential pillar of the European Research Area. Within their respective scientific disciplines, the partner organisations play a decisive role, both with respect to enabling world-class science to be undertaken, but also as a central and structuring element for organising the research activities at a European level.

Historically, the EIROforum partner organisations have emerged as solutions to needs and desires by active scientists across Europe, thus in a way acting as ‘scientific grass-roots movements’, albeit cast in an intergovernmental framework which has given the organisations long-term stability to develop their ambitious scientific and technological programmes that have made them world-leaders within their respective areas of scientific inquiry.

While firmly based in Europe, the partner organisations have numerous links and relations to institutions and countries outside of Europe. The EIROforum organisations thus represent an ‘Open Europe’ in science.

The unique character of the EIROforum organisations and of the partnership itself makes EIROforum an important actor as the European Research Area continues to develop and EIROforum has contributed to this process by means of policy papers and topical statements as well as participation at conferences and meetings etc. over the years.

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EIROforum science policy news

EIROforum calls for increase in funding and support for European research infrastructures

16 May 2024

EIROforum input on the preparation of the next EU Framework Programme (FP10). Read more

logo of COP26 linknig to the COP26 webpage

Uniting science to address climate change

26 Oct 2021

26 October 2021 – Key leaders and researchers from major US and European big science laboratories, namely EIROforum and the US Department of Energy’s seventeen National Laboratories, met by videoconference ahead of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26). Read more

EIROforum statement on the EU Pact for Research and Innovation

11 Oct 2021

The EIROforum members welcome the EC proposal for a Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe. While supporting the recent efforts by the EC and EU Member States to revitalize the European Research Area, EIROforum members underline the importance of strengthening certain points in the implementation of the EU Research and Innovation Pact. Read more

Value and impact of RIs for European science, industry and society

2 Jun 2020

EIROforum has published a document on the value and impact of Research Infrastructures for European science, economy and society, with the aim of showing the importance of such infrastructures for Europe’s recovery after the COVID-19 crisis. Read more

Circle infographic diagram of the eight EIROforum organisations

Weighing in on European Research Infrastructures

15 May 2019

In the paper titled “European Research Infrastructures: Value, Role and Support in Horizon Europe,” EIROforum emphasises that the RIs “are pivotal in sustaining and enhancing the competitiveness and world-class excellence of the European science.” Read more

Over to EUROfusion: EIROforum chairmanship

5 Jul 2018

Starting 2nd July 2018, EUROfusion takes over the chairmanship of EIROforum from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). Read more

EIROforum Directors meet the European Commission in Brussels. Director-General for Research and Innovation Jean-Eric Paquet (left) and current EIROforum Chair and EMBL Director-General, Iain Mattaj (right), sign plans for future cooperation

EIROforum and European Commission sign plans for future cooperation

1 Jun 2018

EIROforum and the European Commission signed their new joint work plan for the years 2018-2020. Read more

EMBL Director-General Iain Mattaj speaking at the Research Infrastructures conference in Sofia on 23 March

EIROforum Chair argues for core missions of research infrastructures and their role in innovation

26 Mar 2018

In Sofia last week EIROforum Chair and EMBL Director-General Iain Mattaj outlined how research infrastructures underpin basic research and bring value to society. Read more

Research Infrastructures including EIROforum representatives meet at AAAS 2018 to discuss how to better foster innovation potential

Fostering the Innovation Potential of Research Infrastructures

28 Feb 2018

Research Infrastructures including EIROforum representatives meet at AAAS 2018 to discuss how to better foster innovation potential. Read more

Europe needs to increase its investment in research, technology and innovation

5 Dec 2017

EIROforum publishes its position on the next European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Read more

EIROforum and the European Open Science Cloud

4 Dec 2017

Position paper on how EIROforum could contribute to the European Open Science Cloud. Read more

Waving at Europe (Credit: ESA/NASA)

EIROforum, a driver for international science

7 Jul 2017

EMBL Director-General Iain Mattaj takes over the Chairship of EIROforum and reflects on the role that EIROforum can play in international science. Read more

EIROforum Directors meet the European Commission in Brussels. From left to right: ESRF DG, Francesco Sette, DG Research and Innovation, EC, Robert-Jan Smits, ILL Director, Helmut Schober, CERN DG, Fabiola Gianotti, Chair of the European XFEL Management Board, Robert Feidenhans’l, Commissioner for Research and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, EUROfusion Programme Manager, Tony Donné, ESO DG and EIROforum Chair, Tim de Zeeuw, EMBL Director International Relations, Silke Schumacher and ESA DG, Jan Woerner. (Credit: Mark McCaughrean)

EIROforum Directors meet European Commissioner Carlos Moedas

11 May 2017

On 11 May, EIROforum’s Directors-General assembly met with the European Commissioner for Research, Carlos Moedas, and Director-General for Research and Innovation, Robert Jan-Smits, in Brussels. Read more

European Innovation Council should promote disruptive, research-driven and market-oriented innovation

17 May 2016

EIROforum’s position paper on the creation of a new European Innovation Council (EIC). Read more

The Future European Extremely Large Telescope (Credit: Swinburne Astronomy Productions/ESO)

What makes Research Infrastructures sustainable in the long term?

25 Mar 2015

A new EIROforum discussion paper tackles the issues of long-term sustainability of Research Infrastructures (RIs), which was launched in the European arena in 2014. The paper should be considered as a contribution to this discussion led by the European Commission, and involving other stakeholders. Having long-standing experience in managing large-scale European… Read more

e-Infrastructure for the 21st Century – one year later

8 Dec 2014

The EIROforum IT Working Group published in 2013 the e‐Infrastructure for the 21st Century document that presented a vision for an integrated set of e-Infrastructure services to support the growing needs of data intensive science. Read more

EIROforum launches Response to the ERA Progress Report

31 Oct 2013

EIROforum’s response to the European Research Area (ERA) Progress Report, which was published by the European Commission on 23 September 2013. Read more

EIROs call for sustainable investment in scientific resources

4 Feb 2013

“It is absolutely vital that investment in our scientific resources – both human and technical – is sustained, at a time when a return to growth is the most pressing policy priority across Europe” Read more

The Directors General of the EIROforum member organisations at their General Assembly at the ILL in Grenoble, France.

A decade of EIROforum

21 Nov 2012

EIROs look back and move forward, calling for sustained science funding in Europe. Read more

Claus Madsen, Chairman of the EIROforum Coordination Group, Carlo Rizzuto, Chairman of ERF and Máire Geoghegan-Qiunn, European Commissioner for Research and Innovation

EIROforum and ERF present joint proposal for a staff exchange scheme for Europe’s Research Infrastructures

21 Mar 2012

Joint EIROforum/ERF Proposal for a new mobility scheme for European Research Infrastructures. Read more

Dr Francesco Romanelli, EFDA Leader and Chairman of EIROforum and EC Commissioner for Research and Innovation Máire Geoghegan-Quinn met during the Conference for a brief exchange of views, based on EIROforum's response to the Green Paper.

EIROforum takes part in EC Green Paper Consultation Process

11 Jun 2011

EIROforum participated in the EC Conference on the Common Strategic Framework for EU research and innovation funding, held at the Charlemagne building in Brussels on 10 June 2011. Read more