The connections between Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics are well known, and become closer every day.
Recent exciting developments in these fields include the structures in the cosmic background radiation, evidence for an accelerating Universe, searches for dark matter candidates, evidence for neutrino oscillations, space experiments on fundamental physics, and discoveries of extrasolar planets. ESO, CERN and ESA are thus involved in scientific endeavours and technologies which overlap considerably.
The three organisations decided to share their expertise, among others, by co-organising and co-sponsoring Joint Symposia.
ESA and CERN signed a Cooperation Agreement on 28 March 2014 to foster future collaborations on research themes of common interest.
On 20 August 2015, ESO and ESA concluded a Cooperation Agreement in Santiago, Chile, providing a framework for future close cooperation and exchange of information in many areas, including technology and scientific research.