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e-Infrastructure for the 21st Century – one year later

The EIROforum IT Working Group published in 2013 the e‐Infrastructure for the 21st Century document that presented a vision for an integrated set of e-Infrastructure services to support the growing needs of data intensive science. It identified several aspects of e-Infrastructures where improvement would lead to efficiencies and increased adoption by a broad range of research communities.

Advances have been made in the implementation of a number of e-Infrastructure services. Some of these technical developments have been deployed in production environments and more will follow.

Non-technical aspects including e-Infrastructure integration, governance and funding models take longer to address but there are indications that there is a willingness to consider change by several e-Infrastructure service operators and funding agencies. A number of these areas are considered to be high priority meriting closer attention and more determined action if the  e-Infrastructure for the 21st century vision is to be achieved.

Read the full report:

EIROforum IT Working Group, “e-Infrastructure for the 21st Century – One Year Later”, ZENODO, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13148.