Each of the EIROforum partner organisations are engaged in a wide variety of collaborations both within Europe and with institutes and countries outside of Europe.
On behalf of the partnership, EIROforum entertains close links with the European Commission, the executive body of the European Union (EU). Underpinned by a Statement of Intent, signed by the Directors General of the partner organisations and the European Commissioner for Research and Innovation in 2010, the cooperation is practical in nature, focussing on exchange of information and joint actions in areas such as mobility and human resources, public awareness of science and technology transfer. In May 2016, the Director General Assembly of the partner organisations adopted another Statement of Intent, detailing a Work Plan for its implementation throughout 2016 and 2017.
While the EIROforum organisations fully support the construction of the European Research Area (ERA), the partners also recognise the need for an ERA that is open to the wider world. Indeed, the partners entertain close links and conduct activities with a multitude of partners across the entire world.