Europe’s flagship laboratory for the life sciences
Media Category: PDF
The European Fusion Development Agreement and its JET experiment explore the potential of fusion as an energy source
The European Fusion Development Agreement and its JET experiment explore the potential of fusion as an energy source
The use of particle accelerators and detectors to study the basic constituents of matter
The use of particle accelerators and detectors to study the basic constituents of matter
Spotlight on Science brochure
Spotlight on Science brochure
Establishing New Research Infrastructures in Europe – The EIROforum Experience
Establishing New Research Infrastructures in Europe – The EIROforum Experience – March 2010
Towards the Next Framework Programme for Research, Technology and Innovation – EIROforum Position Paper on FP8
Towards the Next Framework Programme for Research, Technology and Innovation – EIROforum Position Paper on FP8 January 2011
Response of EIROforum to the EC Green Paper ‘From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation funding’
Response of EIROforum to the EC Green Paper “From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation funding” May 2011
Joint EIROforum/ERF Proposal for a new mobility scheme for European RIs
oint EIROforum/ERF Proposal for a new mobility scheme for
European RIs
Spotlight on Science: A forward look
Spotlight on Science: A forward look
Sustaining science funding in Europe: an open letter from the Directors-General of Europe’s eight largest research infrastructures
Open Letter – Sustaining science funding in Europe: an open letter from the Directors – General of Europe’s eight largest esearch infrastructures