EIROforum brochure
Media Category: PDF
ESOF summary statement
ESOF summary statement
Eiroforum programme at ESOF 2016
Eiroforum programme at ESOF 2016
Scientific Instrumentation for the EU Framework Programme (Horizon 2020) | Position Paper
EIROforum Position Paper on
Scientifi c Instrumentation for the
EU Framework Programme
(Horizon 2020)
EUCYS 2010, List of all prize winners
EUCYS 2010, List of all prize winners
The Institut Laue-Langevin operates the world’s most intense neutron source to reveal the fundamental properties of materials
The Institut Laue-Langevin operates the world’s most intense neutron source to reveal the fundamental properties of materials
The European X-ray free-electron laser will generate extremely intense X-ray flashes for a wide range of research uses
The European X-ray free-electron laser will generate extremely intense X-ray flashes for a wide range of research uses
The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility is a powerful x-ray light source and the global leader in photon science by users and output
The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility is a powerful x-ray light source and the global leader in photon science by users and output
The European Southern Observatory builds and operates a suite of the world’s most advanced ground-based astronomical telescopes
The European Southern Observatory builds and operates a suite of the world’s most advanced ground-based astronomical telescopes
The European Space Agency builds missions to explore the solar system and the wider universe
The European Space Agency builds missions to explore the solar system and the wider universe