Robotic arm inside the JET fusion reactor
Media Category: EUROfusion
The European Fusion Development Agreement and its JET experiment explore the potential of fusion as an energy source
The European Fusion Development Agreement and its JET experiment explore the potential of fusion as an energy source
JET’s ITER-like ICRH Antenna
JET's ITER-like ICRH Antenna inner-VTL see-saw mechanism, driving rods, cooling pipe work and pressure vessels, 2006 (ICRH = ion cyclotron resonance heating, VTL = vacuum transmission line)
JET’s heating system called Lower Hybrid Heating
The picture shows parts of JET’s heating system called Lower Hybrid Heating.
JET vessel
A view into the JET vacuum vessel using an infrared camera developed and manufactured in close cooperation with industry.
Ion Cyclotron Resonant Heating
Movement and Installation of Ion Cyclotron Resonant Heating (ICRH) Transmission Waveguide Section from Octant 2 in 2005
Professor Tony Donné, Programme Manager, EUROfusion
Professor Tony Donné, Programme Manager, EUROfusion
This picture shows a section of plasma (pink – authentic colour) superimposed on JET vessel equipped with the ITER-Like wall. In actuality the plasma would not be confined to a small section of the vessel as in this image, but would extend the whole way around.
This picture shows a section of plasma (pink – authentic colour) superimposed on JET vessel equipped with the ITER-Like wall. In actuality the plasma would not be confined to a small section of the vessel as in this image, but would extend the whole way around.
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