Assembly of JT-60SA completed. This will be the most powerful superconducting tokamak until ITER is operational. It results from the successful partnership between Europe and Japan (Credit: F4E)
Media Category: EUROfusion
Tony Donné, EUROfusion Programme Manager
Tony Donné, EUROfusion Programme Manager, takes over as the EIROforum Chair.
EUROfusion logo
EUROfusion consortium members and the devices (Credit: EUROfusion CCBY 4.0)
The map shows EUROfusion consortium members and the devices. The consortium manages the European fusion programme under the auspices of Euratom. EUROfusion brings together 30 research organisations and universities from 26 European Union member states plus Switzerland and Ukraine. (Credit: EUROfusion CCBY 4.0)
Joint European Torus experiment, JET (Credit: EUROfusion CCBY 4.0)
An insight into the vessel of the European fusion experiment JET. The Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE) in the United Kingdom hosts EUROfusion’s flagship experiment which is the largest using magnetic confinement. Work on JET has influenced the design of ITER – which will produce fusion power on the scale of a power plant starting operation in the mid 2020s. (Credit: EUROfusion CCBY 4.0)
Phil Dooley, presenter of EFDA-JET’s new educational videos, gets hands-on with some electromagnetic theory
Phil Dooley, presenter of EFDA-JET’s new educational videos, gets hands-on with some electromagnetic theory (Image courtesy of EFDA-JET)
Robo-vac: Dust specialist Anna Widdowson and remote handling engineer Justin Thomas discuss the nitty-gritty of the virtual-reality vacuuming interface at the Joint European Torus
Robo-vac: Dust specialist Anna Widdowson and remote handling engineer Justin Thomas discuss the nitty-gritty of the virtual-reality vacuuming interface at the Joint European Torus (Image courtesy of EFDA-JET)
Essentially, this equipment is a gas-powered machine gun capable of firing up to 50 small frozen pellets of deuterium fuel per second into the hot plasma
Essentially, this equipment is a gas-powered machine gun capable of firing up to 50 small frozen pellets of deuterium fuel per second into the hot plasma (Image courtesy of EFDA-Jet)
A colourful computer generated visualisation of EUROfusion’s flagship experiment JET. This is a stripped back image which only shows a small number of systems.
A colourful computer generated visualisation of EUROfusion’s flagship experiment JET. This is a stripped back image which only shows a small number of systems (Copyright © EUROfusion 2014 - 2018)
Virtual Reality Simulation
Virtual Reality Simulation showing the Remote Handling Boom inside JET's Vacuum Vessel, 2006 (Copyright © EUROfusion 2014 - 2018)