Artist’s rendering of ESO’s future Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) in operation (Credit: ESO/L. Calçada)
Media Category: ESO
Professor Xavier Barcons, Director-General, ESO
Professor Xavier Barcons, Director-General, ESO
EIROforum DG Autumn Assembly 2016, Paranal Observatory (ESO), Chile
EIROforum DG Autumn Assembly 2016, Paranal Observatory (ESO), Chile
ALMA antennas (Credit: ESO/Y. Beletsky)
A whole group of ALMA antennas was collected on this UHD image, while they are observing the night sky. (Credit: ESO/Y. Beletsky)
ESA-ESO WG report on Extrasolar Planets (March 2005)
ESA-ESO WG report on Extrasolar Planets (March 2005)
ESA-ESO WG report on Herschel-ALMA Synergies (August 2006)
ESA-ESO WG report on Herschel-ALMA Synergies (August 2006)
ESA-ESO WG report on Fundamental Cosmology (September 2006)
ESA-ESO WG report on Fundamental Cosmology (September 2006)
ESA-ESO WG report on Galactic Populations, Chemistry and Dynamics (June 2008)
ESA-ESO WG report on Galactic Populations, Chemistry and Dynamics (June 2008)
The VLT in action*
The ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) during observations (Credit: ESO/S. Brunier)
ALMA’s World At Night
ALMA's World At Night. This panoramic view of the Chajnantor plateau, spanning about 180 degrees from north (on the left) to south (on the right) shows the antennas of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) ranged across the unearthly landscape (Credit: ESO/B. Tafreshi)