EIROforum events

- This event has passed.
ESOF 2020, Trieste
2 Sep 2020 - 6 Sep 2020
More than 2500 participants registered for the event, and among them, more than 1000 present in person as well as 1400 connected remotely every day. ESOF2020 was in the global spotlight: online visitors came from 52 countries across five continents. Regarding online communication, and in particular social networks, the ESOF2020 Facebook page reached more than 500 000 contacts, with 26 000 interactions.
There were 200 000 interactions on Twitter and 237 000 visits to the ESOF2020 website. ESOF2020 benefited from very substantial media coverage, with more than 700 mentions in print and on the web during the duration of the conference.
EIROforum presented its activities in a devoted session “EIROforum science – bringing the future closer“, through four remote presentations about: Photon science, Physics at the extremes, Energy for the future and Drug and vaccine discovery and development. The session is available on youtube.
The EIROforum attracted 33 on-line views in real time on the Livebit platform.