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ESO takes over rotating presidency of EIROforum

Xavier Barcons, ESO's Director General, stands in front of the Flame Nebula panel at ESO's Headquarters in Garching, Germany.
Xavier Barcons, ESO Director General. Credit: ESO/M. Zamani

On 1 July, Prof. Xavier Barcons, the Director General of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), assumed the chair of EIROforum, succeeding Prof. Thomas Feurer, the Managing Director of European XFEL. The rotating chair transitions annually among the EIROforum members.

“It is an honor to take over the presidency of Eiroforum. I look forward to steering its activities, which foster international collaboration in science, establish and exchange best practices among Europe’s leading research organizations, and ensure that basic science and research infrastructures have a strong voice in European policy-making,” says Prof. Barcons.