European Career Fair 2011
Media Category: Event
Claus Madsen from EIROforum and Maria Ana Viana-Baptista, head of the EUCYS jury 2011, with the EIROforum prize winners (Photo: Petra Nieckchen, EFDA-JET)
Claus Madsen from EIROforum and Maria Ana Viana-Baptista, head of the EUCYS jury 2011, with the EIROforum prize winners (Photo: Petra Nieckchen, EFDA-JET)
EUCYS 2011, Helsinki
EUCYS 2011, Helsinki
EFDA leader Prof Romanelli speaking at ESOF 2010
EFDA leader Prof Romanelli speaking at ESOF 2010
The EIROforum stand
The EIROforum stand
The Spanish Science and Innovation Minister Cristina Garmendia visits the EIROforum stand
The Spanish Science and Innovation Minister Cristina Garmendia visits the EIROforum stand
EUCYS 2017
EUCYS 2017
ESI 2017
ESI 2017
EUCYS banner 2016
EUCYS banner 2016