EIROforum statement on the EU Pact for Research and Innovation
Media Category: Corporate
Poster of the 2020 EIROforum Topical Workshop on Big data, organised by the Instrumentation Working Group
Poster of the 2020 EIROforum Topical Workshop on Big data, organised by the Instrumentation Working Group
Artist’s view of the configuration of Ariane 6 using four boosters (A64).
Artist's view of the configuration of Ariane 6 using four boosters (A64). Credit: ESA - D. Ducros
Artist’s rendering of the ELT in operation
Artist’s rendering of ESO’s future Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) in operation (Credit: ESO/L. Calçada)
ESRf-EBS storage ring
A view inside the new ESRf-EBS storage ring, the first high-energy 4th-generation synchrotron (Credit: ESRF/stef Candé)
Photon beamlines and photon diagnostics components (Credit: European XFEL)
Assembly of JT-60SA
Assembly of JT-60SA completed. This will be the most powerful superconducting tokamak until ITER is operational. It results from the successful partnership between Europe and Japan (Credit: F4E)
The Institut Laue-Langevin, the leading global player in the provision of neutrons for society (Image: Cedrine Tresca/ILL)
Architectural rendering shows the EMBL Imaging Centre
When it opens its doors in 2021, EMBL’s new EMBL Imaging Centre will give researchers access to the most modern microscopy technologies available (Heidelberg/Render Vision, gerstner architekten)