CERN’s newest accelerator, LINAC4, began commissioning in August 2020 as part of the LHC Injectors Upgrade, LIU, project (Image: Andrew Hara/CERN).
Media Category: CERN
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3D dipole integration showing several parts with an interconnection open (Credit: Dominguez, Daniel; Brice, Maximilien / CERN)
3D dipole integration showing several parts with an interconnection open (Credit: Dominguez, Daniel; Brice, Maximilien / CERN)
Schematic drawing of the ALPHA experiment: antiprotons are captured and held in ultrahigh vacuum using electric and magnetic fields. Mixing them with positrons, the antihydrogen atoms are formed and confined using an octupole magnetic trap and mirror coils
Schematic drawing of the ALPHA experiment: antiprotons are captured and held in ultrahigh vacuum using electric and magnetic fields. Mixing them with positrons, the antihydrogen atoms are formed and confined using an octupole magnetic trap and mirror coils (Image courtesy of CERN)
The control room at CERN, where winner Shree Bose hopes to visit
The control room at CERN, where winner Shree Bose hopes to visit (Image courtesy of CERN)
The first interconnection of the LHC
View of the LHC accelerator in the tunnel (© 2005-2017 CERN)
LHCb ring imaging Cherenkov detector mirrors
The mirrors of one of the two Ring Imaging Cherenkov detectors of the LHCb experiment are meticulously assembled in a clean room (© 2005-2017 CERN)
Closing CMS to hunt cosmic rays
Fish eye view of the CMS detector before being closed to measure cosmic rays (© 2006 CERN)
Installing the ATLAS calorimeter
View inside the ATLAS detector (© 2005-2017 CERN)