EIROforum events
Sep 2010
EUCYS 2010, Lisbon
In Lisbon, young scientists from Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary were acclaimed as 1st prize winners of the European Union Contest for Young Scientists 2010. The projects, which analysed physics, biology and social sciences were selected from 85 projects coming from 37 countries by an International Jury. Second prizes, third prizes and the International prize were awarded to 7 other projects, from Poland, Germany, Portugal, Latvia, Italy and Brazil. The 16 winning contestants, aged from 14 to 21, shared a total of € 51.500 in prizes for their top-quality innovative scientific projects. Information on the winners and on all of the projects presented is available here.
Find out more »Jul 2010
ESOF 2010, Turin
EFDA leader Prof Romanelli speaking at ESOF 2010 Over 4,300 participants with more than 400 journalists from all around the world gathered in Turin from 2 to 7 July 2010 to celebrate the motto of ESOF 2010 'A passion for science'. EIROforum presented its activities at a spacious exhibition stand including the ever popular Science in School journal and a special ESOF 2010 edition. The Chair of EIROforum and current EFDA leader, Prof. Francesco Romanelli, welcomed 100 guests during a…
Find out more »Mar 2010
ECRI 2010, Barcelona
The EIROforum stand EIROforum participated in the 2010 European Conference on Research Infrastructures (ECRI 2010), which took place on 22 March 2010 in Barcelona, Spain. The conference hosted 600 experts who discussed efficient mechanisms for setting priorities and making decisions regarding the location of new European research infrastructures. Members of EIROforum offered to make their expertise available to help set up pan-European research collaborations. “Creating new European Research Infrastructures and achieving world-class excellence requires concerted and sustained efforts by various…
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