The EIROforum Library and Information Services Working Group brings together librarians and information professionals from across the EIROforum member organisations to collaborate on matters of common interest.
This working group is committed to advancing the role of research libraries and information services within international research institutions. The primary objectives include facilitating knowledge sharing, enhancing the visibility of research libraries, improving the dissemination of scientific information, and promoting developments in scholarly communications, including open access and open science. By working together, the WG aims to drive innovation and provide valuable support to the scientific community within EIROforum.
- Collaboration: WG-LIS facilitates discussions, enabling the exchange of insights, lessons learned, and best practices related to library and information services at international organisations.
- Efficient Information Dissemination: The group jointly explores ways to enhance the cost-effective dissemination of scientific information, considering modern strategies and technologies.
- Scholarly Communications: WG-LIS assesses advancements in scholarly communications, including open access and open science, and actively promotes their adoption within the EIROforum community.
- Visibility Enhancement: WG-LIS collaboratively works to increase the visibility and expertise of library and information services, recognizing their significance in supporting research organisations.
- Advisory Role: The group provides valuable advice to the Coordinator General (CG) and, when appropriate, to the Director Generals (DGs) on library and information services–related issues.
These activities are directed towards the improvement and advancement of library and information services within EIROforum organisations and the broader scientific community.