The EIROforum Communications Working Group (ComG) supports the dissemination of EIROforum positions and policy papers according to the strategies defined by the EIROforum Council and enhances the visibility of EIROforum positions, decisions, and activities.
This includes in particular:
- Managing EIROforum’s communication, such as the website, news publications, and social media
- Publishing information brochures
- Disseminating EIROforum statements to the media and the general public
- Advising on the development of Science in School
- Participating in specific conferences or events for the general public or other non-expert audiences for which EIROforum could be represented
- Sharing experience and best practice in strategic science communication for the benefit of EIROforum and its members
Members of the ComG are usually the Heads of Communication of the member organisations. The ComG works closely with the Coordination Group (CG) and the EIROforum Chair to ensure a smooth and efficient flow of information.